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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

International Continental Conference : Montreal

Message From the Universal House of Justice

'Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum begins by reading the message of the Universal House of Justice addressed to the Baha'i International Conference in Montreal in which the exploits of the Master some 70 years earlier are reviewed. Sixteen minutes transpire during the reading of the message. During the next seven minutes Madam Rabbani uses French to describe her parents Baha'i services in Montreal. She then, (in English) reviews her mother's return in Canada from France in 1902 and her early efforts to teach the Cause.

Life & Service of the Greatest Holy Leaf

'Abdu'l-Baha has written: "I do not know in what words I could describe my longing for my honoured sister." Shoghi Effendi wrote, "Not even a droplet of all thine [Bahiyyih Khanum] endless love can I aspire to fathom." Bahiyyih Nakhjavani reviews the various appelations applied to The Greatest Holy Leaf and recounts some of the cardinal events of her life. 

The Role of Sacrifice & the Baha’i Fund

Dr. Ayman dedicates this talk to recent Baha'i martyrs in Iran. Iranian
 Baha'is are an example of the highest dedication and absolute selfless
 sacrifice for the Cause. By the sacrifice of our Persian brothers and
sisters we are being born to a new life and receiving great bestowals from God.
 We have learned from  history that some people make sacrifice every moment

Bahá’í Youth & The Cause of Universal Peace

People today are pre-occupied with war while we Bahá'ís are pre-occupied with peace. The peace of humanity is a basic Bahá'í teaching. Bahá'u'lláh taught that the purpose of unity was to create the condition for peace. "How can a mere youth become the cause of unity?" Remember that this is the Cause of God, guided by God.

Dr. Danesh closes with a prayer of 'Abdu'l-Bahá which he recites in the original Persian.

Progress Report on the Seven Year Plan

Continental Counsellor Lloyd Gardiner reviews the main objectives of the Seven Year Plan. Gardiner reports that the use of youth in achieving the goals of the Plan was emphasized by the NSA of Canada. He reports that Canada has achieved 333 of the 350 LSAs set by the House of Justice and they are still in the "Phase Two" of the Plan. He gives high praise for the efforts of the NSAs of the USA and Canada.


Call to Pioneering

Praises this “glorious conference” and says great works will flow from it. Recalls Henry Hyde and Clara Dunn’s arising to pioneer to Australia, a country about which they knew nothing. They arrived in Australia without much money and Henry was not well. Clara told Hand Robarts their story. They were the only married couple named Hands of the Cause of God. He then raised the call for those at the Conference to arise to pioneer. He said in 1953 eight hundred Baha’is were gathered at the Conference in Illinois and 75 arose to pioneer.

Development of the Local (Spiritual) Assembly

For the first 20 minutes Dr. Hatcher reviews—in English—the ways in which Baha’i Local Spiritual Assemblies are “pioneers” in laying down the pattern for future society. For the remaining 16 minutes William Hatcher—speaks in French—and examines the process of the maturation of Local Spiritual Assemblies.

Native Council of North America

The opening four minutes consists of drumming and chanting. The first speaker reminds us that in the Tablets of the Divine Plan ‘Abdu’l-Baha called the native peoples to a great station. To achieve this station requires “knowledge”.

A number of indigenous North American peoples speak during this recording. We are informed that shortly before the present conference a large gathering of indigenous peoples took place on the Alberta Indian Reserve. Four hundred fifty registrants from sixty-two tribes and twelve countries were gathered.

Teaching the Masses

Dr. Arbab notes that the second phase of the Seven Year Plan calls for a significant increase in the number of avowed believers. He reviews the roles of the two principals who will carry out the teaching: 1) The individual Baha’i; and 2) The Baha’i community. He uses the analogy of human cell growth as a model for continued growth and emphasizes the need for classes—especially childrens classes—to increase knowledge and understanding of the Faith and the need to understand human nature.

The Creative Word

Who are the friends of Baha’u’llah? He [Baha’u’llah] says that we the Baha’is are his friends.

“The manifestation of God for today, wronged by the world, wronged by most of his family, turned his heart to us and called us his friends.”


How is it possible to imagine being a friend to the manifestation of God? Are we as Baha’is, as individuals worthy of such a relationship with God?

It is written in the Long Obligatory prayer,