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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

The Role of Sacrifice & the Baha’i Fund


Dr. Ayman dedicates this talk to recent Baha'i martyrs in Iran. Iranian
 Baha'is are an example of the highest dedication and absolute selfless
 sacrifice for the Cause. By the sacrifice of our Persian brothers and
sisters we are being born to a new life and receiving great bestowals from God.
 We have learned from  history that some people make sacrifice every moment
 of their lives and we all need to sacrifice constantly in our lives. If we do do not invest for the future there will be no reward for us. Where there is the love of God we are led to self-sacrifice. This is a prescription for living the Baha'i life. Nearness to God— according to Abdu'l-Baha— is impossible without the knowledge of God. He says: "Divine nearness is dependent upon attainment to the knowledle of God, upon severance from all else save God. It is contingent upon self-sacrifice and to be found only through forfeiting wealth and worldly possessions".