The Power of Divine Assistance
Mr. Dunbar begins by telling of his own Bahá’í youth and meeting an “‘Abdu’l-Bahá’í” by the name of Willard Hatch. Mr. Hatch told him a story of his encounter with the Master in Oakland in 1912. He told the youth of Bahá’u’lláh’s gift to them of pioneering and how we must place “teaching in the forefront of all our thoughts”. “We only live once. We are only young once.” Now is the time to focus on victory during the Holy Year called by the Universal House of Justice.
Participant of Baha’i Youth Movement
From the beginning of the recording nearly one hour is taken up introducing new youth believers who declared at this gathering. Next to be introduced were youth pioneers from around the world who were present. Finally those youth were had already made some commitment to pioneer were invited up on stage. A speaker reviewed the message of the House of Justice of October 1983 in which the Office of Social and Economic Development at the World Centre was calling for youth to arise to pioneer in two projects, one in Latin America and another in Africa.