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Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Green Lake Conference


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Stephen Birkland says this whole conference is about “checking our vision”. Of course he is speaking about our Bahá’í vision. What’s the goal and where are we in relation to it? Iran’s current situation vis a vis Bahá’ís and the Bahá’í Faith is mentioned. The current situation In Iran is far from the vision we have for it in the future, according to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The twin processes of “disintegration and integration” are at work in the world. Tells of the pilgrimage Hají Mírzá Haydar ‘Alí and his return home to Persia. Like Haydar ‘Alí, we should “fix our gaze on the Supreme Horizon”.

Make a Spectacle of Yourself

ABM Stephen Birkland recently attended a non-Bahá’í seminar on creative thinking. He reviewed the various kinds of thinking that were covered. Among them were concrete thinking, abstract thinking, imaginary thinking, and the greatest of them all: “visionary thinking”. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that learning and the use of the mind were among the “unshakable pillars” of the Faith. It is the gift of understanding that distinguished humanity from all other forms of creation. The Faith needs visionaries, people who will consider the spiritual principles to apply when faced with a problem.

Eye to Eye-Poetry of a Baha’i Life

Dr. John Hatcher is Professor Emeritus of English literature and he teaches the study of religion at the University of South Florida. He is the author of several books. He Became a Baha'i in 1960. , He reads Peter S. Quinn's "Club A" poem in order to explain the poetry of Baha'i life and how the process works. He explained how spirit works through our feelings and thoughts and how it can create music. God's use of language translates spirit into poetic forms. God prefers to use poetical and metaphorical expressions.

How to Make a Poem of Your Life

Dr. John Hatcher describes one of the Baha’i priorities as deepening the Baha'is. He talked about true knowledge and the real education of mankind as being taught by Baha’u’llah. He explained his meaning by quoting from the Writings of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha. The Word of God is has Divine creative power. Baha'u'llah's used many metaphors in His Writings; these are like poems that talk to our hearts. Baha’u’llah says, in the “Seven Valleys”: Knowledge is a single point, which the ignorant have multiplied”. He emphasized the education of children.

Love, Faith and Miracles

Mr. Morris Taylor talked about the Love and how it related to the faith and sacrifice. Baha'u'llah said that "The first sign of faith is love". Because of greatness of this day the sufferings of Baha'u'llah was unlike that any of previous Manifestation of God. Blessed beauty sacrificed his prestige, home, comfort, wealth, honor and health for the sake of the humanity. Love for Manifestation is the greatest love. Mr. Morris an impressive story of Abdu'l-Baha about how much He loved Baha'u'llah and He suffered for his love.

Focal Point, Unity of Thought

Introducing the fact that Baha’u’llah enjoins teaching the Cause on all people, and not just on Baha’is, Mr. Lample reviews the greatness of this Dispensation by citing some sample passages from previous religions. Some passages are also shared from Baha’u’llah Himself concerning the significance of the Day of God and the responsibility that He has been commissioned by God to carry.

Through the Eyes of the Seer

Mr. Claudius Adebayo is originally from Nigeria. He wants everybody in the conference to recall what their spiritual condition was before they found the Faith. He reminiscenced about the condition of Nigeria 45 years ago and shared his experience of working in the National Treasurer's Office at the Bahá’í National Center in Evanston. He noted how privileged Bahá’ís are to contribute to the Bahá’í fund. He talked about some Bahá’í school, properties, the Bahá’í  World Center and other activities around the world. All activities are made possible through the Bahá’í Fund.

Close Thine Eyes to See the World

Mrs. Nadjla Birkland dedicated her talk to Khadíjih-Bagum, the wife of the Blessed Báb. She focuses her talk on the equality of men and women and the role of women in the eventual establishment of peace. Her talk is not limited to women but includes all humankind. She cited from the statement of Universal House of Justice which stated that peace was “inevitable”. The universal recognition of the equality of women with men is indispensable to the achievement of peace in the world.

The Covenant

The Covenant is a major theme of the current Six Year Plan. Mr. Birkland describes the “Greater” and “Lesser” covenants. Dr. John Hatcher is invited to offer a metaphor to help folks understand the covenant better. The 23rd Psalm of the Old Testament contains this metaphor. Claudius Adebayo explains how firmness in the Covenant will improve the condition of the fund. “How do we help children understand” the importance of the Covenant? Paul Lample is invited to answer the question: “How can understanding the Covenant and the power of the Covenant make us better teachers?”