Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Through the Eyes of the Seer


Mr. Claudius Adebayo is originally from Nigeria. He wants everybody in the conference to recall what their spiritual condition was before they found the Faith. He reminiscenced about the condition of Nigeria 45 years ago and shared his experience of working in the National Treasurer's Office at the Bahá’í National Center in Evanston. He noted how privileged Bahá’ís are to contribute to the Bahá’í fund. He talked about some Bahá’í school, properties, the Bahá’í  World Center and other activities around the world. All activities are made possible through the Bahá’í Fund. Green Acre is Bahá’í city. He was very proud of the achievementa of the Green Acre Bahá’í School.  And he encouraged the Bahá’ís to contribute for the advancement of the Cause of God.