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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Green Acre Conference

Martyr, The Witness to the Nobility of Man

Humans possess an animal nature which is potentially dangerous and could be the cause of aggressive, destructive and sinful actions. In this glorious dispensation human beings were created to be noble, which is a much great station then that of animals. Bahá’u’lláh said “Noble I created Thee”. The very orientation of humanity is to consider oneself to be less than others. Humanity is on a journey to eternity. Bahá’u’lláh tells us, “Self knowledge is same as the knowledge of God.” People are constantly absorbed in themselves, their relationships and their time.

Corporation & Community

Badi Foster relates the notion of corporation to community. He reviews the creation and development of corporations in American life, saying that the corporation has come to be an entity with many of the rights and privileges of human beings. Warns that as Bahá’ís we need to cut Bahá’í jargon out of our discourse with non-Bahá’ís. “Have you ever talked to some one about some thing when they have a cinder in their eye?” That cinder is the jargon that needs to be removed so we can have a meaningful dialogue.