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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Your Choice - Self Destruction or Self Control


Ms. Lynn Weiss gave a detailed example of the natural destructiveness of human behavior. She has observed while at a child care center, nine out of ten four-year-old boys that were misbehaving caused the grownups there a great deal of distress. What needs to be understood is that these children have a great deal of untrained power for change within them. Ms. Weiss explained that we have to awaken a child’s conscience as a way to control his behavior and to teach them the basic survival knowledge they need to live productively in society. Parents need help to learn how to develop their innate talents and capacities. If this happens children develop self-esteem are happy. To succeed both parents and children need to be actively involved in the transformation process. Blaming, judging and dominating children doesn’t help, instead they inhibit inner growth and self-control. Self-control promotes self-confidence and self-esteem in children; nevertheless, a child still requires proper discipline and self-control.