Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Panel Discussion on Peace


Dr. Rodrigo Corazo begins the panel by speaking about the University for Peace. He speaks in Spanish, with English translation in between. He first defines what exactly the University of Peace is? The concept of how such a University came about because the people of Costa Rica felt that education is a fundamental necessity for Peace. Costa Rica has a long history of Peace, examples such as Abolishing the Death Penalty in 1892, and completely disbanding its military after 1945, as well as ratifying a new constitution which forbade the establishment of making a permanent military ever in the future. These policies and others like it make Costa Rica a leader among nations in striving towards Universal Peace, which is why Costa Rica presented to the UN General Assembly the Project of establishing a University dedicated to the establishment of peace throughout the world. It is the contribution of each and every individual that will result in universal peace. Peace is a condition that is achieved through, truth, justice and freedom.

Dr. Victor DeAraujo speaks on the great importance of establishing Universal Peace, and specifically about the Year of International Peace which will take place in the year of 1986. The three fundamental goals of the United Nations centered on a universal charter; the establishment of Universal Peace, Universal Human Rights, and a full economic and social developments of the people of the world. Three goals which are completely interrelated and cannot be separated or compartmentalized, and still effect the necessary changes in Humanity. The changing of values and attitudes to an understanding of the Oneness of Mankind is a key principle to solve these problems. “The task befitting great rulers is establishing peace, for in this lies the freedom of all people...” All peoples must rid themselves of their prejudices, superstitions, and limitations, this can only be done when they are willing to regard Humanity as one entity “Firmly convinced that in a world of interdependent peoples and nations, the advantage of the part is best to be reached by the advantage of the whole.”

Mary Sawacki breifly speaks about the importance that women will have in establishing world peace, and then opens the remaining discussion up to both questions and comments from the audience.