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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Attunement with Life equals a return to the Sacred


[There is some machine-like noise in the background of this audio which is distracting.] Ms. Feagan begins by asking who feels the name they were given was perfect for them. She goes on to relate that many experiences we have are not haphazard but have a purpose. Using the Native-American medicine wheel she addresses the subject of “sacredness”. On the wheel only man, of all creation, is the “determiner”. She encourages the audience to give voice to their thoughts as this is much more powerful than simply thinking them. We all have things to give; our love, our patience, our forgiveness, etc. These are much more useful and powerful than “things to get”. She tells the stories of two pregnant ladies and their differing approaches to delivering their children and how this affected them and the outcome. We create a vibration by our attitude and thoughts that affects the outcomes of all endeavors.