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Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Mr. William Sears

Presentations by Mr. William Sears

Bill Sears, speaking at the Green Lake conference, uses quotes from The Sacred Writings to emphasize the importance of the mission of the American Baha'is.  We must change ourselves, in order to bring change to the nations of the West.  The Universal House of Justice has stated that "Dependance upon Baha'u'llah enables Baha'is to formulate audicious plans and carry them out" despite formitable odds.  Abdu'l-Baha's mission was to raise up the Faith in the West;  and we are apostles of the Master.  This is our mission and the only barrier to this, is "ourselves".

Stephen Birkland introduces the Sears and mentions his new book “Run to Glory”. Mr. Sears announced that a new video will be coming out before the year’s end titled, “A Glimpse of the Guardian”, done through collaboration with Charles Nolley and Fred Badiyan and himself. Bill then told his “favorite teaching story” about an India Indian Bahá’í who was paralyzed and loved the Faith. He learned that he had to be a teacher of the Faith. He had two men carry his bed from village to village so he could teach. He became responsible for the “first three all Bahá’í villages” in the world.

Two delightful stories are contained in this recording. The first one is told by Marguerite Sears who recalls her experience at the registration desk for the Mauritius Conference. Bill Sears tells the second story of how he got Hand of the Cause of God, Corinne True to tape record her experiences related to the construction of the House of Worship.