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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Mr. Jack McLean

Presentations by Mr. Jack McLean

Jack quotes the Bab, “Knowledge is a single point, which the ignorant have multiplied.” The oneness and unity of thought, religious and science is very much the true reality. Abdul-Baha prophesized that one-day Canada and the United States would be one country, and that it would be called Columbia. The topic of today’s presentation is, “The role of Intuition in the knowledge of God”.

McClean attempts a comparison of John the Baptist across three religious traditions: Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith. Makes the case that while nothing in the Bahá'í writings supports a claim for John the Baptist as an independent Manifestation of God; nevertheless McClean argues that John occupies a station immediately below that of Manifestation. He uses unpublished quotations of Bahá’ulláh to support his thesis and quotes from both the Bible and the Qur'an.