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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Mr. Brad Pokorny

Presentations by Mr. Brad Pokorny

Brad Pokorny discusses the two extreme positions—hawks and doves—on the continuum of war and peace. “The Promise of World Peace” addressed to humanity by The Universal House of Justice, offers common ground to both the hawks and the doves because both groups want peace…but, want it according to their preferred strategy. Both groups want “security”. Hawks want security through material means such as guns, tanks, and “weapons in space”. For doves the material means of hawks equals “insecurity” rather than security.

“In the principles of the Baha’i Faith there is an agenda for new thinking.” The “us” vs. “them” thinking is broken down by the Baha’i concept of progressive revelation and the oneness of humanity. Each Baha’i principle links to peace when studied closely. What human being can initiate war when he understands that that person in the other country is truly his brother or sister?

Leaders around the world are coming to the realization of the need for a new political order. It is the Bahá’í Faith that is the true “grass roots movement” towards disarmament and peace.