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Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Dr. Nossrat Pesechkian M.D.

Presentations by Dr. Nossrat Pesechkian M.D.

Dr. Pesceschkian is a psychiatrist specializing in both psychiatry and neurology. He was born in Iran but has lived in West Germany since 1954. He is known as the founder of “positive-family-psychotherapy” based on a trans-cultural approach. He focuses on the relationship between culture and disease and has focused on 18 different cultural groups. He has developed his new approach over the past 18 years. He discusses the relationship of the left and right sides of the brain to the topics of science and religion. His aim is to try to understand how these two compliment each other.

Dr. Pesechkian is assisted by his wife and son in this presentation.

A unique tool he employs in his work is the use of traditional oriental wisdom stories that allow the patient to see his problem objectively. He also uses religion as it provides behavioral norms that govern interpersonal relationships. Finally, he illustrates a five-stage strategy for treatment using positive psychotherapy.