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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Dr. Alberta Deas

Presentations by Dr. Alberta Deas

The meaning of words and the implication of how our understanding of those words determines our ability to make our communications relevant to one another is extremely important.

Dr. Alberta Deas attempts to highlight how the meaning of words plays into our understanding of the world, and specifically puts the writings of Shoghi Effendi front and center as an incomparable example of fine English usage, in order to better understand our society and our own spirituality.

Dr. Deas reads quotations about the station of a true believer and notes that such Baha’is can attain the exalted station of the prophets of Israel that were not Manifestations. Reviews the obligations of Baha’is who wish to be obedient to the commands of their Faith.

Reminds the Friends of North America that they are the “trustees of the Divine Plan” “Ye are the angels.”