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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Scientific and Spiritual Reality


The Brain, Where Converging Realities Meet

Dr. Pribram is speaking at Princeton University. He explains that his work originally grew out of the study of single cells in the eye and their response to specific stimuli. He gives the title of this talk in terms of the Princeton Conference as being, “Scientific and Spiritual Reality”. His work has been largely concerned with “brain behavior and experience” He uses the notion of a hologram as analogous to brain experience. He uses the term “Holism” and spells it with an “H” in reference to the brain as being wholly, a “distributed system”. The “whole is enfolded in every part” and the “whole is distributed in every part of the brain”. “Behaviorism is a science. It’s a very wonderful science.” The work of Jean-Baptiste Fourier (1768-1830), the French mathematician, is described in relation to his own work.