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Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Preparing the Successful Paper


Dr. Betty Fisher, Editor of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust (BPT) in Wilmette since 1971 and also Associate editor of World Order Magazine since 1968. Mr. Rich Hill is an associate editor of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust (BPT) in Wilmette for the past five years. Their joint presentation is broken into six sections. There is a strong suggestion that would-be authors of scholarly articles read the recent Plan from the Universal House of Justice for topics to write about. She reads many quotations of Shoghi Effendi’s advice to those who would write about the Bahá’í Faith. "The Promise of World Peace" is another publication that is fraught with ideas for articles.  At 22 minutes and 24 seconds this recording ends abruptly without warning. (Mr. Hill's Audio is not available)