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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Using Cognitive Therapy Toward the Definition of Full Partnership in Marriage


Dr. Hoda Mahmoudi explains how cognitive therapy helps individuals to evaluate their perception of their environment. It promotes a number of Baha’i principles such as consultation, equality between man and woman, equality in marriage, and one’s responsibilities and commitments to life. This field promotes the concept that one’s history in life bears a genetic component to his/her perception. Citing a number of examples, she explains how people, in various settings, could overcome misunderstandings, including those bearing cultural differences. She explains how our thoughts affect our behavior and our perception of reality. This knowledge should help an individual to overcome issues such as anxiety, fear, isolation, discouragement, etc. Using a passage from the Baha’i Writings on how one is called upon to replace a negative thought with a positive one, she explains how this field of cognitive therapy shows the steps involved. Reminding the audience that the Baha’i Faith basically provides us with a new perception towards everything, she emphasizes the need to fully embrace this new reality now and not to leave it for future. There is also a period for questions and answers.