Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Universal Peace and The Role of Education


Mrs. Ghandi read this quotation from the Bahá'í writings "There is not one soul whose conscience does not testify that in this day there is no more important matter in the world than that of Universal Peace". The foremost urgent requirement is the promotion of education. Education is a major factor that influences the lives of individuals. She also spoke about how family and society influence people’s minds. Bahá'u'lláh emphasized the role of education in the elimination of wars and disputes. There is a fundamental difference between knowledge and education. A man who has specific knowledge to accomplish a task doesn’t make him educated. By its very nature, education must involve a change one’s outlook and a transformation in his attitude. Learned, men who are well versed in the comparative study of religions realized that ignorance, prejudice and superstition lead to conflict and disunity. Unity is only possible once ignorance, prejudice and superstition have been conquered.