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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Respondents React to "Realities and Convergence" Theme


A number of respondents, among them Drs. Pribaum, Land, Hatcher and Lazlo, comment on the conference presentations that were under the theme of "Realities and Convergence". The first responents believes all humanity is on a search to impose some order out of the chaos of the world. Further, one of the central activities of existence is "to connect". He quotes a tradition from Islam: "Knowledge is a single point which the ignorant have multiplied". Next is Dr. Karl Pribaum who discusses the three stages of development described by the Swiss psychologist Dr. Jean Piaget. He says, "We're opposing realism to materialism, rather than idealism. In other words, you combined idealism and realism." Professor Land responded briefly. Next is Dr. William Hatcher, followed by Dr. Irving Lazlo.