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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Parental Authority - Its Uses, Misuses and Implications


Parental Authority: Uses, Misuses and Implications; a Bahá'í Perspective


Ms. Roberts is introduced By Dr. Danesh in French. Her talk was given in English.


What—in the Bahá’í Revelation—are the proper ingredients to successful child-rearing? For example, what is the right balance between nurturing and discipline? What can we offer that will assist parents who are abusing or neglecting children? ‘Abdu'l-Bahá writes "It is duty and obligation of parents to perfectly and thoroughly train their children". "This training is obligatory and not voluntary". On the ratio of child nurturing and discipline Abdu'l-Baha wrote "Love and kindness have far greater influence on the development of human character than does a punishment". Guiding, training, nurturing and love, along with discipline is the Bahá'í approach to good parenting.