Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

From Oppression to the Feminine Principle in the Establishment of World Peace


Dr. Jane Faily

Jane Faily starts by saying that as the “all human institutions are in disorder”; so too is Bahá’í marriage.  We live in one of the most trying times in history.

Ms. Faily then explores the traditional roles of men and women in marriage and society. In the past there was stability and harmony in marriage; that order rested on the dominance of men and the compliance of women. That has disappeared. “We are in an awkward age.” The harmony has vanished. We need to recreate the institution of marriage based on Bahá’í teachings.

Dr. Faily begins by explaining she has never before given a “paper”. She feels strongly that the institution of motherhood has been extremely undervalued by society. She explores how women, historically, came to lack a proper education, which put her at a disadvantage in child-rearing. Motherhood can change the world for the better. She quotes famous thinkers, such as Aristotle, who inserted negative views of women into Western culture. Describes how differently women approach issues from men. “A mother thinks communally, rather than individually.” There is now a “planet-wide call for equality”. “The Promise of World Peace” by the Universal House of Justice, promises that peace is "inevitable".