Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Mementos, Insistent & Varied


Steve Gonzales opens his talk with a comparison of Tahirah and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the women's movement in this country.  He points to the conference at Badasht, where Tahirah removed her veil.  At the same time, the women's movement began here on the other side of the world.  Mr. Gonzales describes the forming of the iroquois league of nations and its emphasis on peace and the equality of women with men.  This system was to have a profound effect on the American constitution.   He concludes with the story of Moses and the burning bush, where God revealed His knowledge of the afflictions of His people.  The stages of oppression must precede the stages of emancipation.  As Bahá'ís, we must identify what we can do to advance our great Cause.