The world of today is beset with problems. Every family member has an impact on the family. A healthy marriage is crucial to a good family life. Sometimes one partner or the other feels beaten down; or he or she may fall in love with someone else; financial issues may test a marriage; etc. Marriage survives and thrives when the individuals find mutual attraction and mutual satisfaction. When these two combine, mutual attraction and mutual satisfaction, the bonds of marriage remain strong and firm. There are many social factors that impact the marriage relationship: education, isolation, income, children, social status and so on. ‘Abdu'l-Bahá tells us “to love others for the sake of God rather than for the sake” of one’s self. Love goes beyond mutual attraction. In some sense we are constantly struggling and searching for power. Power should be used with great caution. It can create a prision of marriage. Marriage without equality and love can create hatred, resentment, unhappiness leading to divorce. The challenge before us is to create a marriage where each partner is equal.