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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Journey Out of Darkness


Mr. Taylor frames the title of his talk, “Journey Out of Darkness” by comparing it to a game he played in his youth. In his game the children turned off all the lights and in that total darkness they would try to get out of the door without getting caught. Humanity is now in that kind of total darkness and it is the task of the Bahá’í Community to lead the people out the darkness of this age. Says 80% of the world’s diseases are waterborne. Just the income from three days of military spending could provide fresh water for the people who need it. He cites more statistics of where money for war for could be redirected to solve humanity’s problems. We need to have unity first and only the Bahá’í Community has that Divine Plan for unity. He says humanity is on a journey and it needs to be provisioned before it can successfully complete it. These provisions are daily Bahá’í prayers, readings from Bahá’í Scriptures, etc.