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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Baha’i Perspective of Judicial Administration Baha’i Justice Society


The first nearly seven minutes are taken up with prayer and the introduction of Mr. Davis. Bill Davis lays out a roadmap for his talk. He reviews the major issues that face courts, both in the states and in the federal system as well. He also addresses those Bahá’í principles that guide his work in the court system. He explains what judicial administration refers to as it relates to the courts. The California court system alone handles 20,000,000 cases a year. They have the largest judicial system in the U.S., even larger than the federal system.  There are 1,800 judges and commissioners. The cost is $1 billion 300 million dollars a year. He reviews court procedures, which are among the biggest problems. The urbanization process and the family deterioration process are linked. If one expects to change a system they should not expect to “stay forever”. The last 20 minutes are taken up with questions and answers.