Images International

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Images International

Archival Collection of Talks on Various Bahá'í Subjects

Armed Conflict, Human Rights & United Nations


To introduce the speaker (a non- Bahá’í) a story was told of “the lawyer and the tailor”. Professor Newman has been very active in the field of Human Rights. He mentioned that someone left a copy the National Bahá’í Review for 1985-86 in his hotel bedroom. That is the issue with President Reagan receiving a copy of “The Promise of World Peace”. He said that issue was a wonderful introduction of what he is going to talk about. He explained that he is an “activist” in the field of Human Rights and will be testifying before a congressional committee on that issue. Dr. Newman discusses the “interdependence aspect of disarmament”. Also reviews the disconnect between the professions of the American government and their actions in the world. The current AIDS crises is mentioned. The last ten minutes are consumed by questions and comments.